My Actifit Report Card: January 29 2020


Not a great day again. Always the same old problem where 'life' and especially being self employed with parents who chop and change days and times , get in the way of creating a meaningful and regular exercise routine .

I will persevere however and to make you smile today I took this pic . Now the thing is, many older Thais still prefer the squat hole in the ground toilets and are still well catered for but when there isn't a squatter available , they need to be reminded not to squat on a regular toilet !

I wonder how many broken seats and or limbs it took for someone to take the time to design and create this sign !

Don't be a big squatter kids!

In other news......we sold a few books this week. I wonder if this is a knock-on from the virus?
Are people so afraid that they are ordering officially imported but more expensive books from us again rather than the shit, cheaply printed fake copies they seem to have been ordering from China recently?

Goodnight. Take care, be safe and be happy wherever you are :-)

House Chores, Walking


Not to be gross, but they actually say squatting is the better and more natural position for you to go in. I don't think I would ever stand on the seat, but they make a stool called the squatty potty that apparently is pretty popular. Don't believe me? Look it up! :)

avatar's true mate, you're right about it being a more natural position but their holes in the ground and a bucket of water with a pan instead of a flush surely cancel out the 'natural' benefits with their lack of hygiene lol...

Think we'll leave it at that !!!!


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