The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

vakker natur med have 3 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


This is a great creation, colorful, textured and with natural history. I like it.


Nature tells the story of millions of stories, this is shown by the picture of the scenery you posted today, loving the scenery is something that can make us stay young, good morning, Indonesia time @xpilar.....


It seems to me that this is an island. The island of dreams, a wonderful corner, located between the sky and the sea. I see charming gardens lying off the coast. It also grows amazing flowers. It is a captivating, full of romance place that you don't want to leave.


Beautiful spring that fills my life with flowers
natural beauty overflowing before my eyes.
a divine gift from God our Creator
that reaches our soul with all its freshness.

............................... ...................

Hermosa primavera que llena mi vida de flores
natural belleza desbordas ante mis ojos.
un regalo divino de Dios nuestro creador
que llega a nuestras alma con todo su frescor.


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Al observar las imágenes expuestas
en tan espectacular fotografía
por la posición de las ramas de los arboles, en esta,
imagino el soplar del viento
al momento de la toma
en el que tal vez despidió su fragante aroma
esparcido en la frescura del ambiente
lo que invita a estar muy cerca, o, allí
cuando necesidad de esparcimiento se asoma.


In the field of love (poem)

In a wonderful field I delivered myself to you

The firm ground was our bed and the flowers our pillow

You made me see stars in the sunny sky

Cool me in the sea of ​​your kisses

and in your arms I felt like flying


Hello @xpilar, your digital image is very good to describe. lots of flowers that grow on the mountain. but the flower that most climbers want is adelweis. flowers are often called eternal flowers. because it can last for several years.

adelweis flowers are also able to grow in barren land. in Indonesia this interest has been guarded by the government. because the number is getting smaller. anyone who picks adelweis will get a punishment. besides many other beautiful flowers on the mountain.

this is just my description of the digital image you are displaying.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hello @xpilar
Another awesome digital art my friend.
this this you describe the nature beauty in you art.
i think this is your first art with colorful flower. which is looks awesome.
Really nice work. have a nice day.


Hi @xpilar


El intenso aroma de las flores se mezclaba con la brisa salobre que venia del mar, se sentó sobre una de las rocas a orillas del mar y sintió el viento en su rostro y su larga cabellera, casi había olvidado esta extraña sensación, apenas ahora se daba cuenta de cuanto la extrañaba. Para todos era una rareza que tuviera cabello, en buena parte de las colonias, lo usual era portar una lustrosa calva, primero por lo común de la alopecia temprana y luego por la moda reinante, tanto para hombres como mujeres no llevar un pelo en la cabeza, era lo que se usaba.

A su llegada a Eris, lo primero que notó fue la gran cantidad de máquinas generadoras que había en el área de descanso del espacio puerto, no había una cafetería o una tienda, sólo generadoras; de todo tipo de cosas, desde comida y café, hasta pequeños juguetes y recuerdos de viaje, pare ella fue sorprendente entrar por la puerta, desde el anden de descenso de la nave y encontrarse con toda una sala de unos quinientos metros cuadrados con todas sus paredes tapizadas por estas máquinas.

Lo segundo que notó al salir del edificio, fue la predominancia del color lila en los atuendos de los habitantes locales, la mayor parte de ellos vestían de este color, o al menos portaban alguna prenda con él, luego se enteró de que había llegado en un tercero lila. Para su sorpresa, los Erisdianos acostumbraban a vestir cada día de su semana, en un color diferente, así tenían el primero verde, segundo rojo, tercero lila, cuarto azul, quinto amarillo y sexto blanco.

Su tercera y última primera impresión de Eris, para alguien que nunca había salido de Palas, fue la gran cantidad de cabezas calvas como pelotas que pudo ver en la calle, muy diferente a las largas cabelleras, tanto de mujeres como de hombres que acostumbraba a ver en su planeta nativo. Se preguntó si sería por algún tipo de medida sanitaria, como, le según habían dicho, ocurría en algunas colonias con abundancia de vegetación selvática o de bosque, por la abundancia de endoparásitos que pudiesen anidar entre la cabellera; pero resulta que aquí era un asunto de moda.

Fue todo un reto acostumbrarse a los diminutos dormitorios y los baños comunes de los edificios de habitaciones, así como a la carencia de cocinas y a las escasas tiendas de alimentos sin preparar. A la ausencia de vehículos privados o de alquiler, todo el transporte de Eris era público; eternos itinerarios y listas de rutas, cubrían las estaciones del monorriel y aerobuses, al principio fue todo un reto transportarse en medio de tal galimatías.

En general los habitantes de Eris, la recibieron muy bien, aun con todas las diferencia, culturales y físicas, ser una de las pocas personas de menos de un metro ochenta en medio de una población de calvos de en promedio dos metros era sumamente extraño, la hacia una verdadera rareza, no porque los Erisdianos no supieran de las personas más pequeñas, sino por ser ella una de las pocas que vivía entre ellos, la mayoría sólo llegaba de visita por algunos días o semanas y luego regresaba a su mundo de origen, Eris no era precisamente un planeta muy popular.

Hoy de visita en Palas después de veinte años, lejos de las atestadas ciudades de Eris, de sus salas de máquinas generadoras, de sus monocromos días de la semana y las complicaciones de su transporte público. En medio de la calma de grandes prados y páramos, de iluminadas playas y cálidos mares, de ciudades pequeñas, de calles limpias y despejadas, de locales con comida fresca, recién cocinada, con ingredientes producidos en campos y grajas.

En medio de su mundo natal, se sentía una forastera, una extraña con costumbres raras, con un particular gusto por vestir de lila los terceros días, por comer emparedados de hogos, salidos de una generadora y con un repentino y extraño deseo de afeitar su cabeza, cubierta por una larga cabellera.


The intense aroma of the flowers mixed with the salty breeze coming from the sea, she sat down on one of the rocks by the sea and felt the wind in her face and her long hair, she had almost forgotten this strange sensation, just now she realized how much she missed it. For all it was a rarity that she had hair, in good part of the colonies, the usual thing was to carry a lustrous bald, first by the common thing of the early alopecia and then by the prevailing fashion, so much for men as women not to carry a hair in the head, it was what was used.

On her arrival in Eris, the first thing she noticed was the large number of generating machines in the rest area of the port space, there was no cafeteria or shop, only generators; of all kinds of things, from food and coffee, to small toys and travel souvenirs, she was surprised to enter through the door, from the descent platform of the ship and find a whole room of about five hundred square meters with all its walls upholstered by these machines.

The second thing she noticed on leaving the building was the predominance of the lilac color in the costumes of the local inhabitants, most of them dressed in this color, or at least wore some garment with it, then she found out that she had arrived in a third lilac. To his surprise, the Erisdianos used to dress each day of their week, in a different color, so they had the first green, second red, third lilac, fourth blue, fifth yellow and sixth white.

Her third and last first impression of Eris, for someone who had never left Palas, was the large number of bald heads like balls she could see on the street, very different from the long hair of both women and men she used to see on her native planet. She wondered if it was for some kind of sanitary measure, as, as she had been told, it happened in some colonies with abundance of jungle or forest vegetation, for the abundance of endoparasites that could nest between the hair; but it turns out that here it was a fashionable matter.

It was quite a challenge to get used to the tiny dormitories and common bathrooms of the room buildings, as well as to the lack of kitchens and the few shops of uncooked food. In the absence of private or rented vehicles, Eris' entire transport was public; eternal itineraries and route lists covered the monorail stations and aerobuses, at first it was a challenge to get around in the midst of such gibberish.

In general the inhabitants of Eris, received her very well, even with all the differences, cultural and physical, to be one of the few people of less than one meter eighty in the middle of a population of bald on average two meters was extremely strange, towards a real rarity, not because the Erisdianos did not know of the smallest people, but because she was one of the few who lived among them, the majority only came to visit for a few days or weeks and then returned to their world of origin, Eris was not exactly a very popular planet.

Today she visits Palas after twenty years, far from the crowded cities of Eris, from its generator rooms, from its monochrome days of the week and the complications of its public transport. In the midst of the calm of large meadows and moors, of lighted beaches and warm seas, of small towns, of clean and clear streets, of premises with fresh food, freshly cooked, with ingredients produced in fields and grajas.

In the middle of her native world, she felt like a stranger, a stranger with strange customs, with a particular taste for wearing lilac on the third days, for eating hog sandwiches, coming out of a generator and with a sudden and strange desire to shave her head, covered by a long hair.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking
