Keep Your Body Balance - Self Defense Tips


Can you ride a bicycle?

If you ride a bicycle, you know how to keep your balance. A bicycle has two wheels. If you lose your balance, you will fall. Do you remember how you learn to ride the bicycle?

Maybe you fell from the bike, or you found it hard to keep your balance for the first time. Maybe there was someone who held your bicycle.


So you remember how you learned to walk?

I don't remember, and I think you also don't remember that. :)

If you see a child trying to walk for the first time, he first stands up, keeps his leg forward, shifts his weight to his front leg, and then steps forward. He might fall several times because he cannot keep his body balance.

Wait a minute. You are supposed to give some self defense tips. What are you talking about - bicycle, child, walking?

My friend, when you fight for self defense, and if I tell you what to do and how to make your move, nothing is going to work unless you are able to keep your body balance. There are different stances in martial arts. You usually stand in a fighting stance to fight.


Your bodyweight should be 50/50 on your both legs. You will find a little variation in fighting stance in different martial arts. Sometimes they keep bodyweight in 30/70, that is, 30 percent in the front leg and 70 percent in the rear leg. You might see some variation like this.

Your footwork is a crucial factor in a fight. The way you move forward and backward as well as to the side that can change the whole fight. Every time the attacker kicks you if you are good at footwork, you can easily get out of the kicking range. You do not need to parry to defend that kick because he cannot reach you with his kick.

When you attack, you can get in quickly and strike. If someone attacks you and wants to take you with him, he cannot do that easily unless you lose your body balance. If you're going to make the attacker fall on the ground, you need to make him off-balance first; then, it would be easier to throw him on the ground.

Thank you so much for reading this post. If you find it useful, please let me know. I appreciate your support and feedback. To learn more about martial arts, you are welcome to check out some of my recent posts.

Stay safe. Always be happy!

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I want to learn everything that I can and what you provided will help to get me in.


Hi @sonu!
It is discouraging to do self vote on comments. If you like sports, you can write about it. Hope you will get support.
