How to first blood using Diggie | First Skill Only at Level 1


What is going on sports fans this is my first stream or rather recorded video gaming on sports talk this is one of the most popular mobile game in the asia today, mobile legends and if you are a player of this game too don't be embarassed to share your skills here on sports talk. By the way tuheng is my username here on mobile legends that is also my monicker in real life haha.

In this video and article I am going to show you how I manage to do the first kill in the game which is pretty rare for support type heroes.

As you can see in the video I used Diggie and I am currently the 28th rank in the World which means globally you can see my rank there.

Diggie throws an owl alarn at the designated direction. The alarm will automactically chase the enemy nearby, dealing 550 / 620 / 690 / 760 / 830 / 900 (+120%Total Physical Attack) points of Magic Damage to them and slowing them down. If there is no enemy hero nearby, it will stay at the spot for 30 seconds. This skill can be stored for 3 times. The damage decays when dealt to the same target by the alarms.

Using the first skill auto alarm bomb, in just a couple of seconds you can plant three of this skill or to put it simply you can cast this skill three times in a row at almost just a second interval.

Normally heroes have low defense especially in early games which is why the reason you can kill an enemy using this hero.


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sending the best
