Inverted sugar driks could help you in this Ramadan.


Hello hivers

This is on going Ramadan, that's mean a long time fasting which can losses lots of energy, dehydrated as well as other nutritious too. But don't worry, its a regular procedure to prepare you body with maintenance and regeneration of your body cells as well as your digestion and metabolism system. However, peoples who are avoiding to fall in sickness could be use invert sugar drinks/ juice.

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(image source Internet- for attraction)

This is very simple to make this drink, just take a purified one glass of water, added two tea spoon of sugar/ sugarcane with extraction of lemon juice or any other citrus fruits juice.

Its always help you to regain water level of body, re-hydrate and supply for energy source with a mouth feeling of extra sweetness.

This extra sweetness is the action of invert suger. Normally sugar are combination of sucrose and fructose, but when you added some acidic liquid into the sugar drink, its break down the sugar molecular into different mole like separately glucose and fructose. The taste of fructose is more sweetener than the sugar and glucose. Thus it feels more sweetener when we added lemon juice to sugar syrup. And this sugar syrup is chemically known as inverted sugar.

Thats only tips for all you, you may starded with dates, it also have high nutrition value.

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(image source Internet)

After break of your fasting drink invert sugar syrup drinks and dates, that help you body fitness.


