A Slippery Slope


I was reading an article this evening that was congratulating the Olympic Committee for allowing a transgender to compete in a sport with the opposite sex. I am a little shocked as the political correctness is going a bit too far in this case.

The man/lady is 43 years of age and used to compete as a male athlete in the heavyweight division of weight lifting. I wouldn't have raised an eye brow if it was shooting or diving, but this is a power sport.

A male has a different body to that of a female especially when puberty hits as your bones and muscles are far more denser which is me not guessing, but has been scientifically proven. The athlete in question was a man in every shape or form at the age of 33 and only then swapped sex.

Sex gender was scrapped in the 1990's in favor of self identification at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

The conditions that need to be met are a low testosterone count over a period of 12 months. The body is still the same in it's make up besides the obvious bits missing. I find this particular unfair on the other athletes who are women competing against this athlete. This is not PC for them and believe this athlete should still compete as a man.

Caster Semenya caused a stink when she ran as a women because she basically is what they call intersex. She has Y chromosomes which causes the development of testes. She is more female than this transgender yet she has not been made welcome and has had to fight for her rights to compete.

Obviously there is a stark difference when it is male changing into females as their is an advantage in the sporting world. Imagine myself at 6ft 5 becoming a pretty women (very ugly one) and playing rugby. The girls wouldn't stand a chance as I played as a man like this guy competed with other men weight lifting. There have been some great gay sportsmen who competed at the top in their sports who never transgendered and imagine if they had?

This sounds like a very bad decision and not that I watch weight lifting, but what sport is going to be affected next? I just feel sorry for the other ladies competing as the advantage is just too one sided in this case.


I find it very difficult to grasp the logic of decisions like this. The reason that sports are divided along the lines of men and women is because of the physical characteristics of each sex (biological sex, not gender identity). If you are going to allow a biological man who identifies as a woman to compete in women's weight lifting, why even have two categories? And gender identity isn't limited to "male" and "female", so where do you compete if you don't identify as either? Doesn't separation along the lines of biological sex make more sense than separation along the lines of gender identity when it comes to sports? The idiocy in the world today is profound and disturbing.


You are absolutely correct with this and what they have done is just wrong. I am astounded with what decisions are being made as this is not right.


Ridiculous decision. Sometimes life deals us all blow that stops us from doing certain things. Whilst I am 100% in of equality and people having the right to choose how they identify genderwise, sometimes there is a price to pay.

Sadly my eyesight isn't good enough to become a commercial pilot, but that's how it is, I wouldn't expect BA to be made to give me a job!


completely absurd decision. I am excited to hear the boos when he competes. I hope he wins though because if he doesn't they'll just use it as a "see! There's no advantage!" excuse.


I will just say is not wise fixing a challenge between to opposite gender in lifting weights, basically men might be Of advantage

but in a case where the male loosing against female it will totally turn to a mockery for men.

This is just like fixing a football game between male team again Female team.

Posted via proofofbrain.io
