The Middle Man

1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;


The Lord Jesus Christ is our middle man! No one can go to God without going through Christ. In the sovereignty of the Almighty God, nobody could access His throne except the only begotten son. This is because man lost it from the beginning, but thank God for the man-God, Jesus Christ.

He's the mediator, the way, the truth, the life, the deliverer, the forgiver of sins, the compassionate Master and Prince of peace. It's impossible to have eternity without Christ.

Are you in need of supernatural intervention? Meet Master Jesus today, for all power in heaven and earth was given to Him. In His name alone the Father answers every request.

We are to abide in Christ, thus shall we have access to the Father. God sees us as the image of Christ when we are in Him, but anyone that's not in Christ is a filthy rag before God. Nobody can be righteous without Christ, no matter how well behaved or moral they are. No matter how nice we are, without Christ we are disgusting before God.

Are you in Christ or just a nice person living to die some day? There's no profit in wealth or affluence. Everything is vanity and a time comes that nothing will make sense again. The only true and lasting gift is a life in Christ Jesus. Think about it.

Let's pray together.
Dear Father, thank you for bridging the gap through Christ. Today we declare Christ as the way to our eternal relationship with the Father, in Jesus name. Amen.
