Difficult Lock, But Easy Solution To Get Rid Of That

People do different things for fun. Maybe your friend grabs you and tells you to get rid of that. You are doing it for fun. So it is a test of whether you can get rid of your friend's grip or not.

Your friend will not hurt you. If you are not able to release yourself, no problem. This is for fun. Maybe your friend will make fun of you. lol...

Difficult Lock, But Easy Solution To Get Rid Of That.jpg

But if someone attacks you and grabs you, that is something serious. The attacker will not let you go and you can get hurt pretty bad. Let's see a grip that maybe you do it for fun when you were a kid. It is a difficult lock. You can watch this video.

So can you get rid of the lock using the technique shown in the video?
Yes, you can. It works. When I share any video, I express my thoughts and opinions. Sometimes I don't think that technique shown in the video would be very useful. Sometimes I talk about alternative techniques that you can use to defend yourself in that situation.

When you grab the attacker's head, your body works as leverage, so you can pull the attacker and throw him on the ground. Of course, you need to practice so that you can apply the technique instantly without thinking about it.

In case the attacker is stronger and bigger or the attacker grabs and locks a girl, what can you do to defend yourself?

You find it difficult to get rid of this because the way we put our arms gives the attacker advantage. And the attacker uses that. If you raise your both hands up, the attacker cannot grab and move you easily. To release yourself from this lock, you can suddenly raise your both hands up and get down. Anyone can do that and it works.

What do you think? Please feel free to leave your comments below. Thank you for reading this post. Stay safe. Always be happy!

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, finance, and digital marketing. You can visit my website rezoanulvibes.com. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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