What To Do When Someone Grabs and Twists Your Hand

If someone simply grabs your hand, you can get rid of that easily by applying the technique. But when someone grabs your hand, turns, and twists your hand, you can feel the pressure. In this situation, we can do a couple of things.

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We are going to talk about how to apply the technique and when it might not work or what you can do to make it work in a fight. Let's watch this video. I'm going to share my opinions here.

If the attacker grabs your hand and then turns to twist your hand, it takes some time. First of all, do not let the attacker twist your hand. It is good to stop the attacker right away and get rid of that.

If you cannot do that or it's too late, that means the attacker has already turned and twisted your hand. You can step forward and do the elbow strike that showed in the video.

So in which situation this technique might not work?

The way the attacker grabs your hand and puts pressure that is important. You might not be able to do the elbow strike if the attacker puts pressure on your wrist. You can feel the pain and might not be able to hit the attacker with the elbow strike.

You can apply the second technique that showed in the video. Again, the attacker's strength and skills matter. To make both techniques work for you, you can distract the attacker. The moment the attacker gets distracted, his grip will not be that tight and you can get rid of that.

You can do a sidekick to the attacker's leg or knee. If the attacker is more close to you, you can do a foot stomp. You can use your hill to hit the attacker's toe, it is very painful. When you kick the attacker's leg hard, he might release your hand. If he still grabs your hand, no problem. You can do elbow strikes or raise your hand and then grab and trap his hand.

So what would you do if someone grabs your hand like this? Please feel free to leave your comments. Thank you so much for reading this post.

Image Source: 1.
Reference: 1.

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, finance, and digital marketing. You can visit my website rezoanulvibes.com. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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I haven’t been in a street fight before but with the little idea I have , I’ll go for the balls if he’s in range.

If not in range then I’ll try the elbow kick or the heel move to hit the toe. Am sure one will surely work.

it all depends on the type of attacker.


Whatever you do if you are able to get out of the attacker's grip, that's great. Thank you for reading the post!


You're very much welcome. Had a nice time reading. Have a nice day ahead
