+54,000 Sports Sent To Null. Full Account Audit Coming.

We are seeing an increasing rate in users of Sports these days. This spells good fortune for both the community, token and the prospect of the platfrom at the long run.


We are sending an additional +54,000 sports to null.

As we head toward the end of the month, we are coming close to our buy back of the Sports token using the hive reward from this post.

We also promised to do a full audit of this account to know the exact amount we've sent to null since the inception of this account.

The need to burn more and more sports out of circulation is very important, more important is also the need to keep a healthy price on the market. A healthy price keeps the platform on the good pedestal.


The more Sports burned, the more appealing it is. We may have the same people appearing in trending post all over again, it can't be denied they are also the users who have invested so much time and pocket money for this platform.

What I'm hoping for is an economic balance. As more users powering up Sports, we'll hoping to see a shift in the trending section in the next couple of months.
