Dota 2 / International 2021 will distribute more than 40 million in prizes.

eSports competitions are the "sporting" events that most attract the younger generations today, so their social impact is becoming increasingly influential in attracting investment for the development of these high-tech audio-visual spectacles.


Image from RPP

The so called gamers are the new CR7, Messi and LeBron of the moment, their exploits are followed on youtube or instagram and every time they announce their attendance to an eSports competition the success of the event in terms of box office is guaranteed. They are definitely the new gladiators of the 21st Century.

That is why the event called "International 2021" is announced as the most attractive in recent years, firstly because its organizers announced that this time those who reach the glory will take part of the 34 million dollars to be distributed, this being the largest award in recent years.

The International 2021 event will be organized as every year by the creators of the most followed game (or deeporte?) among the gaming community Dota 2, the same that awarded in 2019 the most important first place prize in history: 15 million dollars. It should be noted that last year the event did not take place due to the global pandemic by COVID-19, so the money accumulated for that opportunity was decided to be distributed in this 2021.

By way of comparison, the recently concluded Copa Libertadores de América organized by CONMEBOl distributed USD 22 million among the participants, of which USD 15 million went to Palmeiras as champion. In international 2021 it is expected that the winner will receive a little more than USD 15 million given the magnitude of this year's accumulated prize pool.

It is a reality, these video game competitions will eventually displace traditional sports as investments in these types of esports events continue to direct their money towards these activities.


Ley del mínimo esfuerzo, veamos como le va con eso...


Amigo @waraira777, buena publicación! En mi opinión, no creo que los videojuegos desplacen a los deportes tradicionales, ambos tendrán su espacio. Lo que si es cierto, es la gran cantidad de dinero que mueve esta industria y no es para menos, detrás de esto existe muchísimo dinero y de recurso humano invertido en investigación y desarrollo, además de todo el patrocinio y publicidad, así que no es de extrañarse por los premios repartidos.

Muchas personas menosprecian la dedicación y esfuerzo que requiere para un jugador alcanzar lo más alto, son muchos retos, horas de práctica, creación de estrategias, asimilar las derrotas y aprender de ellas, todo lo que en los deportes tradicionales estamos acostumbrados a ver. Los que menosprecian este mundo no están preparadas para los avances tecnológicos, pero se sientan detrás de un PC a escribir...

Un abrazo brother! Voto positivo!
