Herbal Plants That Can Cure Hypertension.



Herbal Plants That Can Cure Hypertension.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a disease that occurs when the pressure of the blood against the walls of the arteries is too high. Usually hypertension is defined as blood pressure above 140/90, and is considered severe if the pressure is above 180/120. Over time, if left untreated, it can lead to health problems, such as heart disease and stroke.

It turns out that hypertension can be cured by consuming herbal plants regularly, plants that are able to overcome high blood pressure are as follows.

Herbal plants that are able to overcome high blood pressure are tomatoes, with consumption of boiled tomatoes can help normalize increased blood pressure. Tomatoes are high in a content called lycopene which is a strong antioxidant or excellent potential for blood vessel function, for heart function, to help lower blood pressure.


The content increases when these tomatoes are boiled, there are indeed some studies that say by boiling tomatoes for 15 minutes, a maximum of it can increase lycopene levels by 70%, but you have to be careful not to boil it too long, this is because there is vitamin C in it. inside, afraid of being damaged by heating for too long.

Most importantly, tomatoes contain potassium in it, so 100 grams of tomatoes is approximately one large tomato contains approximately 260 mg of potassium, this potassium helps to lower blood pressure because it can dilate blood vessels, then helps get rid of sinetri in blood so it can help to lower our blood pressure.


Carrots are also able to cure high blood pressure or hypertension, but the fruit is more delicious processed into juice drinks. One carrot is approximately 100 grams contains potassium in it and the potassium content is higher than tomatoes. So 100 grams of potassium content is approximately 320 MG, potassium serves to lower blood pressure.

Consuming enough potassium can help lower blood pressure, potassium consumption of 4700 MG per day is better for health, this carrot is indeed high in antioxidants, antioxidants called phenolics are very helpful for dilating blood vessels, so when blood vessels dilate blood pressure will definitely go down .

Many studies have shown that by consuming carrot juice approximately four to five carrots per day can lower blood pressure, it can also reduce the risk of heart disease, but consumed once every day.


Consuming lime and honey can also prevent blood pressure from increasing, the first lime he has in it is high in vitamin C content, for that 1 lime contains approximately 19 MG of vitamin C, so he can fulfill approximately 20 to 25% from the need for vitamin C. Then this vitamin C role in lowering blood pressure he can protect the endothelial cells of blood vessels, then he can prevent blockages so that blood pressure will be helped to fall.

Furthermore, lime contains antioxidants, flavonoids which can help dilate blood vessels or relax because it produces a compound called emo or nitric oxide, dilation of these blood vessels can help lower blood pressure. Furthermore, the potassium contained in limes contributes to potassium of approximately 68 MG, limes are also high in vitamin C content.


Furthermore, yogurt is also believed to be able to normalize blood pressure, several studies have shown that consuming at least five servings of yogurt per week can actually reduce the risk of high blood pressure, approximately sixteen percent. So consuming yogurt is very good for preventing hypertension, this is because yogurt is fermented milk, the fermentation results can produce good bacteria or we are familiar with probiotics and produce peptide compounds.

This peptide compound is said to have antihypertensive properties, because edited can inhibit the work of an enzyme. So the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibits the work of the enzyme, so that blood pressure can drop, in it there must be calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and potassium which also helps lower blood pressure.

Risk factors for primary high blood pressure include smoking, genetics, obesity, high salt intake, stress, and too much alcohol consumption. Prolonged hypertension can damage artery walls and affect the likelihood of atherosclerosis (increased plaque buildup).

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io
