German Sunday


After a dozen of Germ Sundays, we have finally made it to all German Sunday at BetScorum, and that is quite a progress. Betman couldn’t even think that he would ever have a positive opinion about the fights between the fans. We are still waiting for that revolutionary act…

While we are waiting, let’s see over the German fence what they are doing at the pitch.


I can’t figure out how did you get at Betman’s betting page, dear girl, but since you are here, please leave a few mugs for those who come to vote and comment. Can’t expect many people, since almost everybody will be watching bloody football and probably chosing some of the odds offered at BetScorum…


I guess all those incurable optimists, SCR hoddlers has more chance to get corona than 1 cent value, and they could be more interested in an alcoholic disinfectant than Betman’s odds, but that is in essence choice between a dull, monotonous life, and an adventure where you can feel blood pumping right into your ears… Speaking of ears, can you imagine this guy in the times of wearing idiotic masks?


Oh, yes, there is some football also…

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