#14 On the jet plane


Freewriting #1

Hello , Jet plane

If i given a choice ,
I will start my life over again,
Some where nobody know me ,
Some where new place,
Some where new language,
Some where new food,
Some where new friend,
Some where new environment,

Everyday is a new adventure,
Never been a day will become boring,
Because everyday is an oppurtunity to learn,
I ll become like a little baby,
Curious on everything ,
And i want to learn about everything.

I can become who ever i want ,
Because nobody will say no to you,
I can meet new friend ,
Because you ll not being judge by your background,
Everything will become new adventure.

But where ever it is ,
I always thinking ,
Am i strong enough to face it,
Am i strong enough start again,
And leave all achievement ,
Everything behind,
And say hello to the jet plane.


Jet plane window with sunset view taken using Iphone
