Activities and Gathering with Family.



Activities and Gathering with Family.

Monday, 5/7/2021 was a very tiring day for me, on that day I did many things in my daily life, but all of that I did with passion for the sake of my beloved family.

A cloudy morning accompanied by cool air started my daily activities and routines, starting with getting up early, cleaning myself up and preparing breakfast menus for my family. The breakfast menu that I served was very simple, namely rice guri with potluck side dishes, then I prepared myself to take care of my husband's needs to go to work.

After enjoying breakfast, my husband and I immediately went to work, when I arrived at work I immediately took an absence as a sign of attendance and met friends who had arrived at the office first. As social workers, of course, we have to complete many activities for the benefit of the community, one of the tasks I did today with my friends was to clean the warehouse for storing necessities and equipment for disaster victims.

We carried out these activities together with great enthusiasm, these activities occasionally caused seriousness and laughter to unwind, indeed to carry out these activities needed extra energy and made energy less. Every now and then we take time to rest for a while and enjoy makeshift food and drinks, we finish the work to completion in the afternoon.

After carrying out these activities, I immediately cleaned myself and performed the midday prayer and then returned home. The activities I do at home are preparing lunch menus for the family followed by cleaning the house, washing dishes and taking time to rest for a while while hanging out with the children.

When the afternoon arrived, I immediately cleaned myself and performed the Asr prayer, then the activity I did was exercise in the afternoon. The sport that I go through is cycling with friends, this sport is one of my favorite sports that I often do when I have free time. Together with our friends, we went through this activity until the sun was at the west end, then we immediately returned to our respective homes.

Arriving at home, I immediately cleaned myself and performed the Maghrib prayer and then prepared a dinner menu for the family. After dinner, my family and I took a short break before praying Isha prayer together. The next thing I do is enjoy the beauty of the city atmosphere at night with my beloved husband, walking around the city while enjoying the fresh air is what we do.

After walking around in the city center, my husband and I took the time to enjoy Aceh Mie food at one of the cafes while enjoying a very delicious Acehnese coffee drink. Our presence at the place was not long, this was because all coffee shops, cafes, restaurants and shopping centers had to close at 11 pm due to regulations from the local government during the COVID-19 pandemic.

My husband and I immediately returned home to rest from all activities and routines today, that's the short story of my life journey for today, how about you...?.















