Volja je najveća pobeda! 🏅🏆 Will is the greatest victory!


U zdravom telu, zdrav duh!
Tako je. Kad započnete dan aktivnostima, probude se sve energije u vama. 💪💪💪
Juče sam bila u gradu sa drugaricama na vino. 🍷 Moj grad je inače poznat po izvrsnom vinu! 🍷👌
Leglo se kasno. Ne znam kako ali ujutru rano me je probudio unutrašnji sat, jer je u 9 a.m. trebao da počne turnir u stonom tenisu! 🏓
Ah, mamurluk me je molio da ostanem u krevetu ali snagom volje, ustala sam, javila da ću malo kasniti, otišla pod tuš i popila tabletu protiv glavobolje.
A sad. . . Kafica na brzinu i krećem! ☕️🏃‍♀️
Mmm, sunce je peklo već sada? 🌞🌞🌞
Ok, krećem!

In a healthy body, a healthy mind!
That's right. When you start the day with activities, all the energies in you are awakened. 💪💪💪
Yesterday I was in town with my friends for wine. 🍷 My city is known for its excellent wine! 🍷👌
Laid down late. I don't know how, but the internal clock woke me up early in the morning, because at 9 a.m. the table tennis tournament was about to start! 🏓
Ah, the hangover begged me to stay in bed, but with willpower, I got up, announced that I would be a little late, went to the shower and took a headache pill.
And now. . . A quick coffee and I'm off! ☕️🏃‍♀️
Mmm, the sun is burning already? 🌞🌞🌞
Ok, I'm on my way!



Ekipa je već bila na okupu!
Krenuli smo sa zagrevanjem. 😅
Uh, baš je toplo u sali.

The team was already together!
We started with the warm-up. 😅
Uh, it's really warm in the hall.



Stigla sam čak i da vam mahnem i pozdravim sve hajvere! 😆👋
Ok, počeo je očekivani mix-duble!
Znojimo se, ali ne odustajemo! Vrlo koncentrisani na igru!

I even came to wave and say hello to all the spawners! 😆👋
Ok, the expected mix-double has started!
We sweat, but we don't give up! Very focused on the game!


Bila sam jedina žena na turniru ali nisam dozvolila da muškarci zavladaju igrom! 💪😆
Borila sam se do zadnjeg atoma snage! 🥵😆
Trud se isplatio!
Drugo mesto u dublu! 🏅
Bravo ja! 🏓

I was the only woman in the tournament but I didn't let the men rule the game! 💪😆
I fought to the last atom of strength! 🥵😆
The effort paid off!
Second place in doubles! 🏅
Bravo me! 🏓




Bio je ovo lep i uspešan početak dana! 🤩🏅👋

This was a nice and successful start to the day! 🤩🏅👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
