Talking About PDM Skatepark


Hola migos de SkateHive.

Before everything else, please watch the whole video and tell me if there is anything you don't understand.

Antes que todo, les pido porfavor vean el video completo y díganme si hay algo que no entiendan.

I want to make a proposal in which I present our project to realize the skatepark of PuntaDeMata for the first time in history!

Quiero hacer una propuesta en la cual presento nuestro proyecto para realizar el skatepark de PuntaDeMata por primera vez en la historia.!

Our collective HurtoCrew has fulfilled its role as a fundamental base of HipHop culture in our town and now my crew as a fundamental part of the skate culture in support of the sport we already have the approval of the community for the intervention in a public space in our town to build a small park in which we can practice the sport encouraging support for future skaters in the area.

Nuestro colectivo HurtoCrew ha cumplido su función como base fundamental de la cultura HipHop en nuestro pueblo y ahora mi crew como parte fundamental de la cultura skate en apoyo al deporte ya tenemos la aprobación de la comunidad para la intervención en un espacio público de nuestro localidad para construir un pequeño parque en el cual podamos practicar el deporte fomentando el apoyo a los futuros skaters de la zona.

  • The place requested is this;
  • El lugar solicitado es éste;

We have a police presence nearby, which is a plus in terms of security because we know what people think about rappers and skateboarders...

The other positive point is that several sports like soccer and basketball are practiced here, there is also a big baseball stadium in the place.

On the other hand in this place many young people gather every afternoon to exercise and hang out, which makes this the perfect place for the constitution of a skatepark which has not only been my dream since I was a child but it is also extremely important and necessary.


  • Contamos con la presencia policial cerca, lo cual es un punto a favor en cuestiones de seguridad ya que sabemos lo que se cree sobre los raperos y skaters...

  • El otro punto positivo es que acá se practican varios deportes como futbol y basket, también hay un gran estadio de béisbol en el lugar.

  • Por otra parte en este lugar se reunen varios jóvenes todas las tarde a hacer ejercicio y a pasar el rato, lo que hace que este sea el lugar perfecto para la constitución de un skatepark el cual no solo ha sido me sueño desde niño sino que también es sumamente importante y necesario.

  • Why SkateHive should care?

Tbh, it shouldn't.

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

But as in everything there is a benefit I am certain that by supporting this project, would be the main insignia of the park, besides growing as a community we would be supporting and encouraging the skate movement of the state in general.

Pero como en todo hay un beneficio tengo la certeza de que apoyando este proyecto, seria insignia principal del parque, además de crecer como comunidad estaríamos apoyando e incentivando al movimiento skate de el estado en general.

Imagine these drawings on prints, perhaps on decals or on a large mural!

Imaginen estos dibujos en estampados, quizás en calcomanías o en un mural grande!

I accidentally hit publish before selecting community and tags.

Ese post accidentalmente le di publicar antes de seleccionar comunidad y tags.

Ok guys, it's time to revolutionize the way we do things around here and teach the young people who are the future how the web3 works, the cryptocurrency world and above all .

Ok muchachos, es hora de revolucionar la forma en la que hacemos las cosas por acá y enseñar a los jovenes que son el futuro cómo funciona la web3, el mundo de la criptomoneda y sobretodo .


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gotta find out how much its going to cost.
you want to use cement, not blacktop asphalt.

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 9.57.54 PM.png
that is awesome the city is on board with it.
what you did not mention in writing, and i heard you speak in teh video is, that you want to write a proposal to skatehive to buy a computer?
how much are these things going to cost?


For now I only have an estimate of the cost in cement, which would be $270 per 250m².
Grateful that we already have the permit, we start the construction plans and cost details while we get an exact list of materials that we can get at low cost in recycling places.

On the other hand, writing a proposal in request to help for the computer would be around 250$ for that, imagine those HD desing and all the Windows opened with it ⚡🔥
