Sensei of the waves - Juan Ramírez

Sensei of the waves - Juan Ramírez

texas plant - Juan Ramirez.gif

These are some cell phone clips of our good buddy Juan Ramírez, the Mexican dude who came all the way from San Francisco, California to show us what concrete surfing is about.


Estos son algunos clips grabados con celular de nuestro buen amigo Juan Ramírez, el chico mexicano que vino desde San Francisco, California para enseñar nos lo que es el surf de concreto.

Lay back and enjoy watching


Rider: Juan Ramírez.
Filmer: @homelesscrewmx.
Place: León Gto. Mexico.
Music: Links 2 3 4 by Rammstein
(We do not own the song. All rights belong to the original creators).

#SkateHive #SBowlerosLokos #HomelessKrew #KeepSkating420 #MX

Social media

Separador-Bowleros Lokos.png


Join the Stoken/Skatehive Discord

What STOKEN plans to bring to Hive 🍯

Unique name, and meme-ified branding that will stand out above the hard to find Hive brand.

Real world events tied to web3 content creation.

Attracting non crypto content creators, into web 3.0

Exciting content to bring in non crypto audience.

Focus on onboarding large, existing communities i.e: Reddit skateboarding: 385k members, and Redbull: 10 million YouTube subscribers.

NFTs. Plans include real world utility, fund raising, and future gamification.
DTF ( Decentralized Token Fund )

Stoken DAO: Decentralized voting system to allow the community to sponsor athletes, content creators, influencers, and real world events.

A new token for you to earn for doing Hive stuff!

Possibility of future airdrop of governance tokens. 

Stoken Tribe Is Coming On Hive

----------------------☝️ Stoken Logo ☝️------------------------

STOKEN will be an extreme sports tribe in which people can get rewarded for doing what gets them, and others stoked using the power of web 3.0 and communities.

Feeling STOKED? Check 👉



Great job man! I like how you laugh after the failures. A wonderful attitude - you're having fun with it, and that's most important. Keep practicing. 😊

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what attemps you talking about? I hear no laughts haha 😅
