What's your muse?


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Different people with different thoughts, so it's normal if all does not draw inspiration from the same source, it's shows diversity. An Artist is one being whose artistic inspiration is mostly based on nature but some find their muse elsewhere.

Muse can be termed as a source of inspiration, some even termed it to be motivation but whatever you termed it to be, just know that it's something that keeps you going regardless of whatever you might be going through.

As a writer, they are days when you won't have a single spark of creativity or urge to put something down as you ain't inspired. But once you come in contact with your muse, the urge to put words down takes over you.

For every stage of everyone's life, we all have been inspired by something and that has brought us to the current situation we find ourselves. Regardless of your profession, something indeed did inspire you and its okay to never let go of it.

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If your profession requires you to be 100 % creative that you should take more cue from things such as nature, humans, emotions and experiences going through. Experiences the most toughen one up and it's cool dwell on it more.

As always, Football illustrations ( I am a football person) will be used to buttress my points further. Take a look at Ronaldo and Messi. Both on so many occasions have declared that they draw inspiration from each other and it's easy to why. Just between this two greats, a lot of accolades, medals, Trophies and person award has been won and it goes a long way to show how inspired they both her at a ripe age of 34 and 36 respectively.

On that note, I put it to you all, what's your source of inspiration?
