A cold afternoon of basketball, it was a bad game


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Esta tarde fui con intenciones de jugar para divertirme un rato y ganar pero mis compañeros miran más tiempo el suelo que su panorama, el basketball es un deporte estratégico y habilidoso. Aquí hay quienes vienen a demostrar lo que nunca pudieron o consiguieron en un partido competitivo a nivel profesional, por lo tanto desean ganar a todo método y siempre estar con quienes consideran mejores con una soberbia extrema que me provoca ira pero qué más da si en unos años ya no tendrán nada que disfrutar ni con quienes. Hoy preferí no terminar a los golpes con un chico por respeto a mis amigos pero ese actitud de creer que está por encima de los demás y su mal comportamiento me van a agotar.

Translation to English

This afternoon I went with the intention of playing to have fun for a while and win but my teammates look at the ground longer than their panorama, basketball is a strategic and skillful sport. Here there are those who come to demonstrate what they could never or achieved in a competitive match at a professional level, therefore they want to win at every method and always be with those who consider best with an extreme arrogance that causes me anger but what difference does it make if in some years they will have nothing to enjoy or with whom. Today I preferred not to end the blows with a boy out of respect for my friends but that attitude of believing that he is above the others and his bad behavior will exhaust me.

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