RE: My Actifit Report Card: July 18 2021


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Blender on Pi is doable, but I think it runs better on a desktop, no? Of course, what would be the fun in that? :))

Were you using Ubuntu with it? Every time you use it, I smile. I can remember being able to buy them at Radio Shack.

On another note, that pizza is sweeeet! Did you make it? I make a similar-looking one with olive oil brushed on the crust, spices. tomatoes a little Italian Sausage and basil and mozzarella. Sometimes mushrooms! I hope yours was good!

Rest up that arm!


Radio Shack brings back some memories. I've not been in one of those for some time, are they still around? I used to like to play around with capacitors and other components. I never made much and computers ended up being more interesting to me. I almost electrocuted myself once with an old tube set. I touched some component inside it while it was operating and ended up on the floor. School of hard knocks, LOL.

I have to admit I'm the secondary cook on the pizza but I did have my fingers in it. I like tossing the dough around in the kitchen to spread it thin.

This food is the gift of the entire universe, the Earth the sky and much hard work...
