October 21 2020


Chlorine Scrubber - Water Treatment Plant

It's Wednesday folks. And it was another day shift: Water Treatment Plant for me.

It looks like the Actifit app and my phone are getting along beautifully today.

Unlike before when I had nothing but problems.


I never did get around to contacting the developer. Maybe now I won't have to.

Fingers crossed the harmony lasts.


It was a pretty standard Wednesday at the WTP.

Collect the figures for the last 24 hours, check the chlorine plant, check the chemical dosing systems, clean the online slaker, enter the figures into the central database, crosscheck the online chlorine analysers with a portable colorimeter.

You know, the usual technical fare.

We did receive a delivery of polyelectrolyte for the Sludge Plant.

5 x 700 kilogram bags of the stuff, which I unloaded from the truck with a forklift.

Something a little different to the routine is always refreshing.

After work, my darling and I went for a big walk around the neighbourhood.

The weather was pleasant and she told me the tale of Living In The Long Grass


Here's the same photo from before with two different filters, for no real reason other than I think it looks good and I want to show off!

Chlorine Scrubber - Water Treatment Plant

Chlorine Scrubber - Water Treatment Plant

Good night fellow human individuals.

Take care.
