Visiting Free Beach Prapat Lake Toba (My Actifit Report Card: March 27 2024)

Lake Toba has always been a favorite destination on the island of Sumatra. Often I take my customers to visit Lake Toba.

Especially when weekends or holidays arrive. Usually a family of 5-7 people will hire my services and my car for a trip to Lake Toba

There are many tourist attractions that we can visit in the Lake Toba area. On this occasion, my passengers asked me to take them to Free Beach, Prapat, Lake Toba.

Arriving at the main area of Lake Toba, we have to cross using a small boat to TOMOK PORT. Then from this port there are many tours that we visit.

When traveling on the ship it will be enjoyable because for a few minutes you can enjoy the views around Lake Toba, where many hotels or villas have been built there to support local tourism development.

While waiting for my passengers to carry out their travel activities, I waited in a cafe. I don't want to go around because I need a lot of energy to drive home later

The cafe is called LAVODA. I'm waiting at this place. A quite comfortable cafe with views of Lake Toba.

The cafe decoration is made natural by using lots of wood materials. Makes us feel at home in this cafe

Sitting in the rooftop cafe area will be very pleasant because you can enjoy the view of the surrounding area. But if the day is hot, you will feel like the sun is directly above your head and it will really make your head dizzy.

I ordered iced sweet tea to accompany me to rest while enjoying the view of Lake Toba.

After resting, I wandered around Free Beach again to enjoy the view. The day was still quite hot.

There is an interesting monument here with statues of men and women wearing traditional local tribal clothing. This location attracts many tourists to take photos.

Around the statue there is a tall monument that we can climb to take photos at the high point view. Apart from that, you can see that there are many terraced areas for tourists to sit on.

I think a drone will produce a more amazing view compared to just an ordinary cell phone like mine

If you visit here, you will know how vast Lake Toba is with many amazing tourist areas. Next time I will share the places here in detail with you.


Thank you for reading my trip from Indonesia

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Looks an interesting place. Going to guess there are lots of orchids in those hills. The island has 4,000 types. Would love to see some photos


Yes so many interesting place around the big lake with some island with in
Thank you for stopping by
