Juventus dabbles into cartoon; launches first-ever international animated kids series.


Don't you just love the innovative nature of Sports and football as a usecase as it is being used to impact the world.
Team Jay per News 1.jpg
Juventus Football Club, home to legendary football player, Cristiano Ronaldo will be the first football club to launch an animated series, based on football, on YouTube Kids. Booom!


Juventus has confirmed the international launch of its first-ever animated kids series, Team Jay, which will be available globally across English-speaking countries on YouTube Kids.

About the series.

The series is centered around the main character and official club mascot Jay and four of his friends namely, Matteo, Cami, Wushu and Duke. Team JAy per News 2.jpg
Jay and his friends will through this program take us on series of adventures where they will share their love for football and the skills learnt in the process.

Through the power of football, the show is designed to entertain and engage kids through a series of core values that are regularly demonstrated by Jay and his friends whilst on their adventures.
Bravery, teamwork, perseverance, resilience and courage are the underlying themes in the unique animated series.
The team is a lovely bunch and it is expected to be really entertaining for kids and adults like myself who enjoy being a child whenever I can.

Big Up for Juve.

You have to agree that football is powerful and has a spirit that unites and with this move, Juventus just won the hearts of sports loving parents and kids globally.

I will be subscribing to that channel to keep informed and entertained. Check out
You Tube to learn more and enjoy the show.

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