Free !BEER Free !BEER Free !BEER Free !BEER Free !BEER


One can never have enough !BEER ... So lets hand out some more for free in this drinking game. Same drill as last time folks .... Post your last Steem-Monsters battle that you LOST and get some !BEER to help sooth your pain.

That' Right Folks ........ I said FREE BEER ......

What's that ????? You don't play Steem-Monsters .... well what are you waiting for click here to get started today. There is an initial purchase fee of $10 but you are provided with 30 cards that are essential to game play (You can pay with crypto or paypal).

Ok... ok .... if you don't want to post up a battle that you lost then comment below and tell me what is your favorite sport and you will also get some free !BEER.

***Note: The !BEER (F)airdrop has ended so the amount of free Beer the bot gives out has been adjusted to 0.10. The below screen shot shows the old metrics for the !BEER bot. Offer available for 7 days or until supply last, which ever comes first. !BEER can be purchased/sold on the Steem-Engine exchange.

I somehow manage to post this twice: I will honor both topics so you can get double the FREE BEER :) To visit this topics doppelganger click this link:
