Where did Hashing come from?


The Hash House Harriers are a global enterprise of "drinkers with a running problem." It all had to start somewhere and even though the global breakdown is mostly comprised of Europeans and North Americans, the original Hash was started in 1950 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

That is the generally accepted story anyway, but the real hashing started as a loosely organized group of British soldiers stationed in what is now modern-day Malaysia. They would get together on Mondays in order to exercise the weekend's excesses away.


The idea is based on a game called "hare and hounds" or paper chase where one person heads off ahead of the others and a few minutes later all the others would pursue. The "hare" in these situations would leave behind bits of paper to give the group clues as to where the "hare" had gone. It is largely like this now except there is booze involved.

The original official chapter, however, was in fact formed in Kuala Lumpur in a formalized fashion and their criteria for existing were as follows.

Its objectives are:
(a) to promote physical fitness amongst its members
(b) to get rid of weekend hangovers
(c) to acquire a good thirst and to satisfy it with beer
(d) to persuade the older members that they are not as old as they feel

Things were quite a bit different back in 1950 so there was a lot of rules that today seem a bit silly such as this one

(a) Gaming and opium smoking at the meets and the introduction of females and bad characters on runs are prohibited.

Such a ruling would probably be illegal in progressive countries but still, many areas, including out chapter in Chiang Mai, has a certain day that is designated just for men. It is light-hearted and steeped in tradition. People need to understand that all of the men's only chapters also have at least one other that is for everyone. In Chiang Mai we have 2 mixed Hash chapters, 1 men-only chapter, and 1 women-only chapter.

It really is a lot of fun and that is probably why it has caught on so well around the world.

Super cold conditions do not stop the Hash!

Today there are over 2,000 chapters around the world including 2 chapters in Antarctica, which is pictured above. I know that it is unlikely right now because of the virus and all, but once this is all behind us, I strongly encourage everyone to get out there and find a Hash of their own. I promise you will not regret this choice :)
