Weights: 10th June 2020 + A Did You Know Question


Good Morning

Days are progressing so fast. It was like we just entered this week, and we are already mid-way through. We are hurtling towards the weekend. Do I like it? Or do I not? Well, to be honest, I like both the weekdays and weekends.

So, let’s get to know my daily staying fit exploits.


The evening regime is picking serious pace with my daughter, and I challenge each other for the intensity of workouts. The funny part is that my daughter is just ten years old. How cool is that?

Here is what we did yesterday evening:

  1. Suicide-drill: 2 Sets
  2. Shuttle-run: 1 set with four reps
  3. Jumping-jacks
  4. Wall-sits
  5. Push-ups
  6. Crunches
  7. Step-ups
  8. Squats
  9. Tricep Dip
  10. Planks
  11. High Knees
  12. Lunges
  13. Push-ups and Rotation
  14. Side Planks – each side

Each exercise lasted for 30 seconds with a 10-second break. This 10-second break is what we did not take. Well, whaddaya say? 😊

Today morning again, we were back with our regime. However, mornings she has her own schedule while I have my weights. I focused on shoulders and triceps and followed my triplet form of exercise.

Here were my triplets:

  1. 1-set of Suryanamaskar (alternated with push-ups)
  2. 1-set of weights for shoulders
  3. 1-set of weights for triceps

I did a total of seven triplets and added one set of biceps and reverse push-up at the very end. It was nice, but I was sweating like crazy!

That took care of my day start, and now I am typing away to glory. That’s it from me for today, and I will see you tomorrow.


And I wish you all a lovely day!


Did You Know?

George Hood of the US holds the record for abdominal planks. The record stands at 10 hours 10 minutes. The previous record-holder was Mao Weidong of China, who held the plank position for 8 hours and 1 minute.

Phew, even the previous record-holder wasn’t bad, in my opinion. My longest plank so far has been for a two-and-a-half-minute. That’s tiny in comparison to the record holders.

What was your best abdominal planks time?

Let me know in the comments.😊



Image Courtesy: Peter-Lomas @Pixabay
