Weights: 6th May 2020 + A Did You Know Question


Good Morning

Hello, all you lovely people. How are you treating life? I am sure you treat it well. So, here we are to another beautiful day. It was quite an effort to get going with the exercises today, as I had a lot to do and finish. Anyway, I got done with the work as well as the exercises.

So, let’s get to know what was my schedule today. 😊


It was the first time that our evening schedule was not followed because of me. My lil Colonel was all ready for the exercise, but I had asked her for a break. ☹ Well, she agreed, but then that’s not something I would like to do again.

Anyway, today morning was back to one of the fiercest exercise regimes in my schedule. The focus was on my cores and biceps. Here are the triplets that I did:

  1. 1-set planks
  2. 1-set weights for cross-fit
  3. 1-set weights for biceps

I did ten sets of the triplets. At the end of it, I added a set of reverse push-up and triceps each. I also added an extended cooldown walking session. It was all worth it.

So, that’s about my schedule today. See you soon. Namaste! 😊

And as always, wish you all a great day!


Did You Know?

Charles Servizio of the USA holds the record for most push-ups in twenty-four hours which stands at a whopping 46,001!!

He achieved the feat in 21 hours and 6 minutes through 24th and 25th April 1993.

That record is in the Guinness books and stands nearly three decades later!!



Image Courtesy: Peter-Lomas @Pixabay
