Sports and Amir Khan/体育运动与阿米尔汗


Everyone should know about Amir Khan and like this superstar. Amir Khan is India's national treasure movie star, Indian Bollywood actor, producer and director.

To be a very great star, Amir Khan has paid a lot, just in sports.

Friends who have seen Amir Khan's movies will find that Amir Khan is a very good figure. Amir Khan is a star who likes to exercise very much. Sometimes Amir Khan spends a lot of time exercising for a movie.

This process is very hard. It takes a lot of food every day, and then it takes a long time to exercise. But for the movie, Amir Khan is willing to do so, even if he is very tired.

Amir Khan's handsome face and extraordinary figure are super-styled in the movie Mirage Car God - Devil Passion 2013.

But you know, in order to get such a good figure, Amir Khan really paid a lot.

In the film Father in Wrestling Bar, Amir Khan plays a father, but the owner has a fat body. In this film, Amir Khan is not wearing leather props, but is really so fat.

In order to make the film well, Amir Khan eats a lot of things every day and keeps himself fat. This is something that many movie stars can't do. Amir Khan did it with real realities.

In order to shoot The Mysterious Giant, Amir Khan began to exercise day after day, and the amount of exercise was very
large. During the day, Amir Khan was exercising and eating a lot. Eat several times a day to get in shape in a short time.

But Amir Khan in Mystery Star plays an old greasy singer. Amir Khan has lost weight. But Amir Khan's campaign is not over yet, because there is still a 2019 Indian Mob to play, so we need to continue to exercise and exercise.

In Indian Mob, Amir Khan has recovered almost the same figure as in Phantom Car God through a lot of exercise. In order to have a good movie, Amir Khan really paid too much.

Love life, love sports.












