Men's health: a way of life, a daily search



Without exercise, eating poorly and without having regular tests for disease prevention. Men do not take care of health.

Just before writing this post, I was talking to one of the programmers at the company where I work. He is young, not even 25 years old, but he praised my dedication to attending the gym regularly.

Samsung camera j7.jpg

Taking care of myself and most men is an effort that, even with benefits, is usually so laborious that it is not worth it.

I explained to him that, over the years, we feel the weight of bad habits and a lifestyle that does not prioritize health. Not much older, at 35, I feel that the body is no longer the same, and that the care I did not take at twenty, I intend to take it now so as not to regret it when I reach 40 or 50.

Where the problem begins

To be honest: when was the last time you went to see a doctor just to see if everything was okay?

According to a study with health professionals on how masculinity influences the way men deal with health services, men are not in the habit of preventing disease. On the contrary, they usually arrive when the problem is too serious.

Unlike women, men have the profile of seeking medical services only to cure disease or treat disease. Still, men show impatient behavior towards doctors and have difficulty sticking to treatments.

Another study also indicates that this absence of men in health centers ranges from the construction of a male profile contrary to vulnerabilities.

Most health problems arise or are aggravated by lack of prevention and professional monitoring. Regular checkups help prevent serious illness and identify others who are still in their early stages.

The size of the problem

According to a survey published by the Ministry of Health here in Venezuela, 52.6% of men are overweight. The text also points to an even more serious problem, that this lack of attention begins in young people. Of the overweight men, 29.4% are between 18 and 24 years old. As expected, the problem becomes even more severe with age. 55% of overweight men are between 25 and 34 years old and 63% between 35 and 64 years old.

In addition to being more reluctant to disease prevention, we men represent a majority who are not concerned with even the smallest details.

Without exercise, eating poorly, and without having regular disease prevention screenings, we can conclude that problems when they arise are already large and sometimes difficult to reverse.


Is there any solution?

I tend to be very objective in my texts, almost always pointing out practical and easy actions to adopt.

You can, for example, run with children in the neighborhood or even do some sports at home.


There is a wealth of practical content available that can help men to adopt a healthier posture and change their way of life, but that is not the biggest problem we face.

Before we know what to do and how to do it, men have to assume that we must take care of our health, without fear of looking like a weakness. The culture that we support so much and that prevents us from showing that we also get sick, feel pain and need to take care of ourselves, is often identified as the cause of most health problems among men.

The model of the man who thinks he can handle everything on his own and doesn't need to take care of himself is killing us.

But there is another problem at stake: if you came to this text and read it here, you may already know and agree with everything the text says. PoH readers, for the most part, already have a more conscious view of the need to take care of physical and mental health. Most people who need to understand the importance of seeking health as part of their lifestyle are not here at Papo de Homem.

That is why we need to speak to our friends and colleagues on the subject and share our experiences. It is by modifying the masculine culture to a healthier masculinity model and becoming more open and without fear of showing vulnerabilities that we will help men to seek more health for their daily lives.

(Men's volleyball team I belong to)

You must have a friend yourself who has not been in the doctor for a long time, is sedentary, or is very overweight. Feel free to share this writing and with those who are sedentary. This is friendship!

