Jamarr Andre Johnson wins two Individual Titles at IBL 2021


The individual title of the Indonesian Basketball League (IBL) 2021 was announced yesterday Saturday. There are as many as seven awards given to human beings if baskets excel in IBL 2021 and one special award is added which is named as a young player who plays in Indonesia Patrio.

Jamarr Andre Johnson became the only basketball player who won two titles at once, namely the title of best player (MVP) and also the best defensive player or Defensive Player of the Year (DPOY). Jamarr Andre Johnson currently plays for Louvre Dewa United Surabaya

Jamarr Andre Johnson is the only player in the history of the IBL title to have brought home two titles at once in the same season. Previously, Jamarr Andre Johnson had also experienced being the MVP in 2015 when he was still defending CLS Knights Surabaya (IBL Reborn) and at the same time bringing CLS Knights Surabaya the IBL champion.


Gelar individu Indonesian Basketball League (IBL) 2021telah diumumkan kemarin hari sabtu. Ada sebanyak tujuh penghargaan yang diberikan kepada insan bila baasket yang berprestasi di IBL 2021 serta ditambah satu penghargaan khusus yang diberi nama sebagai pemain muda yang bermain di Indonesia Patrio

Jamarr Andre Johnson menjadi pebasket satu satunya yang berhasil menyabet dua gelar sekaligus yakni gelar pemain terbaik (MVP) dan juga pemain bertahan terbaik atau Defensive Player of the Year (DPOY). Jamarr Andre Johnson saat ini bermain untuk Louvre Dewa United Surabaya

Jamarr Andre Johnson menjadi satu satunya pemain dalam sejarah gelaran IBL yang berhasil membawa pulang dua gelar sekaligus di musim yang sama. Sebelumnya Jamarr Andre Johnson juga sudah pernah merasakan menjadi MVP tahun 2015 saar masih membela CLS Knights Surabaya (IBL Reborn) sekaligus membawa CLS Knights Surabaya juara IBL

