What happened to NEYMAR????


Yesterday I had a discussion with wth some friends about who would be the next Cr7 and Messi I thought about this man.

Why not this man???

What happened to all his skills?????

Shall we have a chance to see these skills again?????

What really happened to him as he got into real football.

When you look at all the skills that he used to do show us when he was 17 years you would come to believe that he was set the achieve a lot in the world of football. You would believe he will be the man to kill the dominance of Massi and CR7.
You would believe that he will be the next Ronaldinho.
But when you compare his achievements when he is 26 and compare it to Cr7's or Messi's you will come to believe that is talent is becoming wested.

We shall never come to see him at his best.

If you think that NEYMAR was a joke look at this video.

Shell we ever see players like CR7 and Massi again???

Thanks for reading.
