[ESP-ENG] Los solitarios (I) | The solitaires (I)



Esta es mi primera historia en serie para Scholar and Scribe. Es una historia que fue pensada para chicos, aunque a veces tengo dudas respecto al resultado. No me siento cómodo ni en la prosa ni en la literatura infantil; por eso, escribirla fue todo un desafío. Todavía no sé exactamente en cuántas partes voy a dividirla, pero seguramente serán más de diez. Cuando lo tenga claro, voy a publicar una colección con los enlaces a las partes.
El idioma original es el español. La traducción al inglés fue hecha con Deepl, por lo que no aspira a tener méritos literarios. Es recomendable leerla en español para poder apreciarla mejor, al menos en lo que al estilo de escritura se refiere. Los problemas de traducción comienzan ya con el título, que es un juego de palabras entre el animal extinto “solitario de Rodrigues” y la palabra “solitario”, que en español hace referencia a una persona que vive en soledad. Entiendo que en inglés la palabra “solitaire”, que se encuentra en el nombre del animal (Rodrigues solitaire) no tiene el mismo sentido.
El cabezal fue hecho con lettering por la talentosa diseñadora y artista @lauraptis, que está dando sus primeros pasos en Hive. La fotografía usada como fondo es de Pixabay.
Para aquellos que aún no conocen Scholar and Scribe, es una comunidad de escritores que surgió hace unos meses dentro de la comunidad de PIZZA. Tiene dos tokens propios, Scholar and Scribe, y un montón de proyectos para llevar la escritura en Hive al siguiente nivel.

This is my first serialized story for Scholar and Scribe. It's a story that was intended for children, although I sometimes have doubts about the outcome. I'm not comfortable with either prose or children's literature, so writing it was a challenge. I still don't know exactly how many parts I'm going to divide it into, but it will probably be more than ten. When I have it clear, I will publish a collection with links to the parts.
The original language is Spanish. The English translation was made with Deepl, so it does not aspire to have literary merits. It is advisable to read it in Spanish in order to appreciate it better, at least as far as the writing style is concerned. The translation problems begin with the title, which is a play on words between the extinct animal "solitario de Rodrigues" and the word "solitario", which in Spanish refers to a person who lives in solitude. I understand that in English the word "solitaire", which is found in the name of the animal (Rodrigues solitaire) does not have the same meaning.
The header was made with lettering by the talented designer and artist @lauraptis, who is taking her first steps in Hive. The photo used as background is from Pixabay.
For those of you who don't know Scholar and Scribe yet, it's a community of writers that emerged a few months ago within the PIZZA community. It has two tokens of its own, Scholar and Scribe, and a bunch of projects to take Hive writing to the next level.

[Español - Original]

Los solitarios


¿Cómo iba a saber yo, el rey, qué hay que hacer con la cosecha de papas? Recuerdo perfectamente cuando Hortensio entró a la habitación real, sin golpear, como siempre. Yo estaba jugando con mi espada de madera. Eliminaba enemigos en el campo de batalla, ejércitos y ejércitos enteros. De cuando en cuando sufría algún corte de una espada enemiga, pero me sobreponía al intenso dolor con la valentía de un rey. Entonces, arremetía contra el enemigo con más furia...
―Su majestad, lamento interrumpir su práctica de combate, pero los campesinos quieren saber qué hacer con la cosecha de papas.
Ataqué todavía a dos enemigos más. Luego miré fijamente a Hortensio durante unos segundos. Estaba allí parado, con ese maquillaje y esas botas tan tontas que lo caracterizan, al menos desde que lo conozco. Tomé la espada con las dos manos y arremetí contra la barriga gigante de Hortensio, que esquivó mi golpe con un movimiento muy ágil, considerando su elevado peso y su avanzada edad.
―Su majestad, los campesinos quieren saber qué hacer con la cosecha de papas ―repitió sin inmutarse.
Comencé a dar vueltas alrededor de Hortensio, blandiendo la espada con actitud fiera y hostil. Pero él, que servía en palacio desde hacía varias décadas y que sabía muy bien cómo salir airoso de las situaciones más embarazosas, apoyó su manota en mi cabeza real de ocho años y me paró en seco.
―Hortensio ―le dije altivamente―, te ordeno que saques tu puñal y sacrifiques tu vida por la paz del reino.
Hortensio se quedó allí parado, inmóvil, sin hacer caso alguno de la orden real. Al instante, caí en la cuenta de que si no le daba una respuesta, nunca podría continuar con mi entrenamiento.
―Hortensio, si no he interpretado mal tus palabras, esa pregunta debe responderla el consejero de agricultura.
―Vuestra excelencia, el consejero de agricultura abandonó el reino hace dos semanas en dirección al bosque. No pudo ser localizado por los guardias del palacio.
―¿Y por qué no hay un nuevo consejero?
―Estamos haciendo todo lo posible por encontrar a alguien que cumpla con los requisitos, su majestad.
Estaba cercado. No me quedaba más salida que resolver el problema.
―¿Cuál es el inconveniente con la cosecha de papas, Hortensio?
―Los campesinos quieren saber si dejan las papas en el suelo o si las retiran inmediatamente.
―Que las retiren inmediatamente ―le dije con mucha seguridad, aunque sin entender nada de lo que me estaba preguntando.
Hortensio estaba visiblemente orgulloso de su rey (es decir, de mí), de la seguridad y la madurez que estaba mostrando en las decisiones. Entonces supe que era mi oportunidad.
―Hortensio, una cosa más antes de que se retire. Dígales a los campesinos que, una vez que hayan levantado las papas, las frían y hagan un castillo gigante de papas fritas.
―¿Perdón, su majestad?
―Lo que escuchó, Hortensio, que hagan un castillo gigante de papas fritas en honor al rey.
―Les diré, señor.
Hortensio hizo una reverencia aparatosa, se dio vuelta ceremoniosamente y abrió la puerta para retirarse. De pronto, dio un pequeño salto y soltó un chillido: la espada real se había clavado en una de sus voluminosas nalgas.

The solitaires


How was I, the king, to know what to do with the potato harvest? I remember perfectly well when Hortensio entered the royal room, without knocking, as usual. I was playing with my wooden sword. I was eliminating enemies on the battlefield, armies and whole armies. From time to time I suffered a cut from an enemy sword, but I overcame the intense pain with the bravery of a king. Then, I lashed out at the enemy with more fury....
“Your Majesty, I am sorry to interrupt your combat practice, but the peasants want to know what to do with the potato harvest.”
I attacked two more enemies. Then I stared at Hortensio for a few seconds. He was standing there, with that makeup and those silly boots that characterize him, at least since I've known him. I grabbed the sword with both hands and lashed out at Hortensio's giant belly, who dodged my blow with a very agile movement, considering his heavy weight and advanced age.
“Your majesty, the peasants want to know what to do with the potato harvest," he repeated nonchalantly.
I began to circle around Hortensio, wielding my sword in a fierce and hostile attitude. But he, who had been serving in the palace for several decades and who knew very well how to get out of the most embarrassing situations, rested his hand on my eight-year-old royal head and stopped me in my tracks.
“Hortensio," I said haughtily, "I order you to draw your dagger and sacrifice your life for the peace of the kingdom.”
Hortensio stood there, motionless, without paying any attention to the royal order. Instantly, I realized that if I did not give him an answer, I would never be able to continue my training.
“Hortensio, if I have not misinterpreted your words, that question should be answered by the agricultural advisor.”
“Your Excellency, the agricultural advisor left the kingdom two weeks ago in the direction of the forest. He could not be located by the palace guards.”
“And why is there no new advisor?”
“We are doing our best to find someone who meets the requirements, your majesty.”
I was surrounded. I had no choice but to solve the problem.
“What's the problem with the potato harvest, Hortensio?”
“The peasants want to know whether to leave the potatoes in the ground or to remove them immediately.”
“Let them remove them immediately," I told him very confidently, although without understanding anything of what he was asking me.
Hortensio was visibly proud of his king (that is, of me), of the confidence and maturity he was showing in his decisions. Then I knew it was my chance.
“Hortensio, one more thing before you leave. Tell the peasants, once they have harvested the potatoes, to fry them and make a giant castle of fried potatoes.”
“Excuse me, your majesty?”
“What you heard, Hortensio, tell them to make a giant castle of fries in honor of the king.”
“I'll tell them, sir.”
Hortensio curtsied, turned ceremoniously and opened the door to leave. Suddenly, he gave a little jump and let out a shriek: the royal sword had stuck in one of his voluminous buttocks.


I love this story so much, and I'd definitely love to read more. My Spanish is not very strong, so I read the English version and quite enjoyed the story of Hortensio and his forbearance as he interacts with his young, capricious king. I love it!


Thank you! I was just commenting on your Anacaona story.... I'm glad you liked it. I'm more into writing poetry for adults, so prose for children is at the antipodes. There will be much more of the young king's whims and many other strange characters in the chapters to follow.


Great, I look forward to reading all of them as the story develops. It's interesting you prefer poetry because I think this prose is awesome. I'll definitely follow and keep up with your work.


Thank you! I can't explain very well why, but I don't feel comfortable in prose; in poetry, on the other hand, I feel like I'm at home.


This is a ridiculously cute tale, hahaha. I want a fry castle! This King is going places.



hahaha, there are a lot of ridiculous things to come!



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