RE: A perfect game for the retro era / Un juego perfecto para la época retro - VIRTUA TENNIS 2


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I'll call that game as old but gold. It's really good to play some tennis. Even I didn't know one this players in game it looks fun.

Btw you should increase your activity on hive. You should visit other authors' posts and engage with them. They will come back and visit you. That's how you can progress on Hive. Please consider that suggestion.


if this game is very devertido, for his time is very real e could play current games of tennis and are always more of the same say a fifa that changed the template players, if constant mind I am dedicated to participate but in healing processes by discord channels, I always talk about the game and provide support that gives me each community to publish my post, I am dedicating a day to read and digest the content of the other authors to enjoy and learn and never miss a like for them as my hp power is little I am little visible thanks for support and give those suggestions that are ideal to grow in the community of hive gamer.
