First Ride of the Year


I just finished a 29.68km cycling that lasted about 1hh:20mm:52ss !

end of the ride

An all flat route was taken for this ride, it has been a while. This small loop was done 3 times at an easy pace only slightly increasing speed as time went by. Summer here has been extremely hot, 30C being the norm, so when it rained today that was the time to hit the road!


I've picked up a little niggle in the shoulder (no idea how) that made riding a bit annoying when cornering hopefully that would go away in a few days. It always amazes how fast a road goes with little effort when compared to my MTB which I must take out tomorrow for a quick hill climb.

GPS Tracking and Display produced by the Huawei Band 6 and Samsung Galaxy A10 Phone.
Photos were taken with Samsung Galaxy Phone.

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