Qatar 2022: Female representation || Qatar 2022: La representación femenina


Qatar 2022: Female representation

We all agree that this edition of the World Cup feels very strange, I'm talking about the fact that it is not the usual date to be played and that this will probably influence a lot on the performance of the players. Apart from the mess that is going to cause to put the World Cup in the middle of the soccer season.


Ok but I'm not here to talk about how horrible this world cup is going to be (just need Argentina to win this horrible edition) but about the female representation in the men's world cup.

Why women?

Sometimes I wonder why they try to put women in men's sporting events. I am one of those who think that men and women can do the same things, because men are not superior to women in almost anything. But sometimes I think they exaggerate the fact that they try to include women in men's games and I think it is almost never the other way around, I don't think they put the best referee to whistle a women's game.

Qatar is not the country that respects women's human rights the most; however, the Arab country will make history because in this edition for the first time women's refereeing will be represented in the World Cup.


Stephanie Frappart

She is perhaps the most recognized referee on the list as she has whistled a number of men's and women's soccer games, of course, quite a few important ones.

Frappart, 38 years old, Frappart's style of refereeing is very strict and very close to the rules, a lover of discipline and fair play.

The Frenchwoman has a great physical condition, as her movements on the field are at the level of the field players. I remember Stephanie very well as she was in charge of the European Super Cup final between Chelsea and Liverpool in 2019.


Yoshimi Yamashita

She is another of the select group of female judges who for the first time will be able to whistle at a men's World Cup.

Yamashita also has plenty of experience on the soccer field, although not at the same media level as Frappart. Yoshimi already refereed at the Women's World Cup in 2019 and also at last year's Tokyo Olympics, so she knows what it is like to referee important games and is not overwhelmed by the stage.

Yoshimi has already made history as she also has the honor of being the first woman to whistle matches in the Japanese men's soccer league and also whistle in the Asian champions league.


Salina Mukansanga

Salina Mukansanga is not far behind in the honorable list of women who will officiate at the World Cup.
Salina Mukansanga carries the honorable distinction of being the first woman to officiate a match at the Africa Cup.

Mukansanga has vast experience refereeing major matches as well, having already refereed at the Olympic Games, the Women's World Cup, the Africa Cup of Nations and the African Women's Champions League, which is also a guarantee of good refereeing judgment in the matches to be played.

The select group of women who will be at the World Cup is completed by 37-year-old Brazilian Neuza Back, 34-year-old Mexican Karen Diaz Medina and 33-year-old American Katryn Nesbitt.


What is to be gained by appointing women?

I am not against women whistling a men's soccer game, nothing could be further from the truth. However, soccer is perhaps the sport that has the most political and social influence on society.

Soccer runs important political campaigns, as we all know, and women being appointed to whistle these games is nothing more than part of the political campaigns of this sport.

But what do you think about these women officiating these games?

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Qatar 2022: La representación femenina

Todos estamos de acuerdo que esta de edición del mundial se siente muy rara, hablo de que no es la fecha habitual para jugarse y que posiblemente esto vaya a influir mucho en el desempeño de los jugadores. Aparte del enredo que va a causar meter el mundial a mitad de temporada futbolistica.


Ok pero no estoy aquí para hablar de lo horrible que será este mundial(solo falta que Argentina gane esta horrible edición) sino de la representación femenina en el mundial de fútbol masculino.

¿Porque mujeres?

A veces me pregunto porque tratan de poner mujeres en eventos deportivos masculinos. Soy de los que piensa que hombres y mujeres podemos hacer las mismas cosas, pues los hombres no somos superiores a la mujeres en casi nada. Pero a veces creo que exageran el hecho me tratar de incluir a mujeres en juegos masculinos y creo que casi nunca es al revés, no creo que pongan al mejor árbitro a pitar un juego femenino.

Qatar no es que sea el pais que más respeta los derechos humanos de las mujeres; sin embargo, el pais árabe hará historia pues en esta edición por primera vez el arbitraje femenino tendrá representación en el mundial.


Stephanie Frappart

Es quizás la jueza más reconocida en la lista pues ha pitado algunos juegos de fútbol masculinos y femeninos, por supuesto, bastantes importantes.

Frappart de 38 años de edad, el estilo de dirigir de Frappart es bastante estricto y muy apegado al reglamento, amante de la disciplina y del juego limpio.

La francesa posee una gran condición física, pues sus desplazamiento en el campo están a nivel de los jugadores de campos. De Stephanie me acuerdo muy bien pues dirigió la final de la Supercopa de Europa entre Chelsea y Liverpool en 2019.


Yoshimi Yamashita

Es otra del selecto grupo de juezas que por primera vez podrán pitar en un mundial de fútbol masculino.

Yamashita también tiene bastante experiencia en el campo de fútbol, aunque no al mismo nivel mediático como Frappart. Yoshimi ya dirigido en la copa mundial femenina en 2019 y también en los juegos olímpicos de Tokio del año pasado, por lo que sabe que es lo dirigir juegos importantes y no se ve abrumada por el escenario.

Yoshimi ya ha hecho historia pues también tiene el honor de ser la primera mujer en pitar partidos de la liga japonesa de fútbol masculino y además de pitar en la liga de campeones de Asia.


Salina Mukansanga

Por su parte Salina Mukansanga no se queda atrás en la honorable lista de mujeres que dirigirán en el mundial.
Salina Mukansanga lleva la honorable distinción de ser la primera mujer que ha pitado un partido en la Copa Áfricana.

Mukansanga tiene una vasta experiencia dirigiendo partidos importantes también, pues ya ha dirigido en los juegos olímpicos, la Copa Mundial Femenina, la Copa Áfricana de Naciones y la Liga de campeones femenina de África, lo que también es garantía de buen criterio arbitral para dirigir en los partidos a disputarse.

El selecto grupo de mujeres que estaran en el mundial lo completan la brasileña Neuza Back, de 37 años, la mexicana Karen Díaz Medina de 34 años y la estadounidense Katryn Nesbitt de 33 años.


¿Que se gana designando mujeres?

No estoy en contra de que mujeres piten un juego masculino de fútbol, nada mas alejado de la realidad. No obstante el fútbol es quizás el deporte que más influencia política y social tiene sobre la sociedad.

El fútbol dirige campañas políticas importantes, como todas ya sabemos, el que mujeres sean designadas para pitar este tipo de juegos no es más que parte de la campañas políticas de este deporte.

¿Pero usted que piensa de que estas mujeres dirijan estos juegos?


Women just have to take part in the competition and by that, maybe men would be encouraged to watch women leagues or World Cup as well


I actually find this more and more disturbing. I have noticed in most sports females appearing in commentary and now officiating. I have no worries when they commentate in their own sports whilst watching other females playing. I get that broadcasters are trying to include everyone, but not at the expense of male sport. I will find other commentary as it is just not right.


I think we are not the only ones who think like that, they want to include women in men's sports no matter what.
So that's wrong.
As I say I am not against the inclusion of women but there is something that makes me feel uncomfortable with these forced inclusions in male sports.


They are trying to be politically correct but here do you draw the line? I have no issues with a female referee if she is good enough but not pushing someone just because she is female. Mens rugby with women commentators is wrong and they need to stick to their own sports. Forced is the right word as this is so unnatural. Presenters are fine but this wont stop here.


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This is a great topic. I think this is another example of sports washing by Qatar. I think they're just going to do things to try and show they're progressive and not a repressive nation that has an appalling lack of care for human rights. One of my all time favourite footballer was Tim Cahill, until he took a bag of money to support the Qatar World Cup
