Morning Run


I just finished a 8.647km running that lasted about 0hh:42mm:34ss !


Yep, that's right, a morning run! I got up early to avoid the heat, and the rain in the afternoon forecast. Well, in case it was needed, it confirms again I am not a morning person, I suffered the whole run. To be fair, it was already hot, at about 81F (about 27 degrees Celsius), because I chose to first walk the dogs, heat is even worse for them. I only got a very light snack, because I didn't want to feel too heavy, but maybe that wasn't the best idea, I did feel low on fuel. Anyways, I started my run with very low expectations, just a few miles, without worrying about the pace.

During the walk with the dogs, I noticed the bugs were already awake, and running through the woods, I would have just been brunch for the mosquitoes. So I stayed on the asphalt, and just went back to one of my old usual loops. After about 3 miles, it started to really feel difficult, but I pushed through for another couple of miles, even though I almost started walking a few times before reaching home. I guess that's why the overall pace is kind of slow, but I'm glad I didn't stop. I need to get better at slowing down when I get tired, so hopefully I can get a second wind later (although today, no second wind, that's for sure). The heart rate curve is strange again, constantly going up, just like last run. Not sure what that means, but I should probably keep an eye on this.


After the run and a very NOT light breakfast, I just got lazy, waiting for the rain. One more reason it's better if I run in the evening, so I can do nothing after.
We'll see how the temps are this week, and if I still need to adapt my training schedule.

Till then, keep Exhausting!

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