Carrera vespertina - Crospost Hive


neuerko just finished a 5.6km run, that lasted for 50 minutes.
This run helped neuerko burn 516.0 calories.

Description from Strava: Primer actividad de la semana. Me sentí un poco más comodo y con más energía, aunque acababa de despertar a esa hora.

Se me olvidó completamente cerrar la actividad en el reloj y estuvo corriendo por lo menos 10 minutos más. Lo bueno es que no estoy buscando mejorar los tiempos, al menos no de momento.

Mañana toca alberca...

First activity of the week. I felt a little more comfortable and energized, even though I had just woken up at that time.

I completely forgot to close the activity on the clock and it was running for at least 10 more minutes. The good thing is that I'm not looking to improve times, at least not at the moment.

Tomorrow it's time for the pool...

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Fotógrafo amateur, corredor y lector de libros...


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