RE: Community Voice: How Do we move SportstalkSocial Community further from here?

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First thank you for all that you do for this tribe. Your contributions are huge for helping advance sports on Hive and are certainly noticed! I also thank you for responding here and will do what I can to help alleviate these issues to the best of my abilities.

I will be issuing a proposal for adopting a post penalty similar to what's seen with STEMGeeks as soon as the proposal system is approved. I've already consulted with the HE team about costs and will have the figures in the proposal when that time comes.

I agree on a need for additional use cases. I'm hoping that we'll see innovative community proposals for this and will be looking to see what I can propose as well. My first focus will be around working to find a functioning advertising solution. I still think that in our current landscape that offers the best form of token removal.


It is a difficult one and something we should all try and help with. I don't have answers and we only want what is best for everyone and advertising is a great start.
