SPORTS Burn Bot - 4th December 2019


This is an automated report from the SPORTS Burn Bot.

Today a total of 181727.279 SPORTS were burned by 10 different people.

Based on that the rewards for burning SPORTS are distributed as follows:

AccountBurned SPORTSShareRewardProfit/Loss
@thranax10.000 SPORTS0.00%7.923 SPORTS-2.077 SPORTS
@zararina10.000 SPORTS0.00%7.923 SPORTS-2.077 SPORTS
@ptaku1000.000 SPORTS0.55%792.396 SPORTS-207.604 SPORTS
@bowess2000.000 SPORTS1.10%1584.792 SPORTS-415.208 SPORTS
@engrbev6081.384 SPORTS3.34%4818.865 SPORTS-1262.519 SPORTS
@nbatalk7031.028 SPORTS3.86%5571.359 SPORTS-1459.668 SPORTS
@dwin060311163.335 SPORTS6.14%8845.783 SPORTS-2317.551 SPORTS
@bien32094.208 SPORTS17.66%25431.327 SPORTS-6662.880 SPORTS
@julstamban50000.000 SPORTS27.51%39619.808 SPORTS-10380.192 SPORTS
@null72337.324 SPORTS39.80%57319.818 SPORTS-15017.505 SPORTS
TOTAL:181727.279 SPORTS143999.994 SPORTS-37727.285 SPORTS

If you want to learn more about the SPORTS Burn Bot read the introduction post:

Burn to Earn! New Way to Earn SPORTS For Burning

Info: The total distributed amount can be smaller than the available 144,000 SPORTS because of the way rewards are rounded.
