Reminder: Round 3 of the Hivechess Tournament, tomorrow Friday, 20h GMT

Dear chess fans,

the third competition of season 9 is played tomorrow Friday 12th Nov, 20h GMT. Please check your local time - due to to change to winter time, it might be one hour later in your area compared to last week - or not, in case your time zone switched as well!
By the way - time! There is no increment this round, you have to take this into consideration. I don´t want to hear complaints about it, because you know it in advance and it is the same for both opponents!! Yes, there will be some time pressure drama, we will have to go through it and survive!

The current standings after the first 2 rounds you can look up here.

Time Mode: 4+0 (4 minutes per game, no increment!), 9 rounds of Swissa mode

Tournament Link:

hivechess swiss.gif


  • For Hivers, Steemians, Blurters, noise.cashers and all others!

  • Players of all skill levels are welcome, from newbies to experts, you just need a free Lichess-account!

  • Every Friday is one round

  • Time mode is varying (5+0, 3+2,...), rated, berserking allowed (except in Swiss mode)

  • The winner of each round gets the number of points equaling the number of players in that round, the second ranked one point less and so forth until the one on the bottom of the table who gets one point.

  • Occasionally a round may be divided into 2 skill classes

  • In case two players have the same number of points, the one who played less rounds is first. If that is equal too, then the average tournament performance decides.

  • PAYOUT: This season goes over 9 rounds and the tournament points are summed up. All Hivechess-related post rewards are pooled and 90% go to the price pool (PP). The tournament winner will get 25 Hive bonus, a unique NFT trophy and the rest of the PP is divided among all players according to the number of tournament points achieved, but only if a player has participated at least 3 times (if <3 games are played in a round it will be not counted)!

  • If I don´t know your Hive username, I can´t consider you in the final rankings, so please let me know your Hive name in the comments or in the Lichess chat!

  • If you have not yet joined our team in Lichess, please do it here, so that you can participate (required for the Swiss tournaments only).

Swiss Tournament Rules

There are several differences between the "normal" arena mode and the Swiss mode which needs to be considered:

Arena tournamentsSwiss tournaments
Duration of the tournamentPredefined duration in minutesPredefined max. rounds, but exact duration unknown
Number of gamesAs many as can be played in the allotted durationDecided in advance, same for all players
Pairing systemAny available opponent with similar rankingBest pairing based on points and tie breaks
Pairing wait timeFast: doesn't wait for all playersSlow: waits for all players
Identical pairingPossibleForbidden
Streaks & BerserkYesNo
PointsWin:2, Draw 1, doubled if on fireWin:1, Draw: 1/2, Not paired: 1
Late joinersget no pointsget 1/2 point gift
Requirement to be in our teamnoyes

Please share this announcement among your (chess) friends and colleagues!
The more participate, the more fun! And maybe some are even interested to join Hive and it´s Chess Community?

See you tomorrow and good luck to all!

Potentiall of interest to:
@aakrist @abimbola753 @agreste @alberto0607 @almightymelon @alpha @ambarvegas @amirl @anli @anomadsoul @apy @arsenal49 @b0s @behiver @bitsignal @burnoutawesome @cerati @chessbrotherspro @chesthetica @cryptoph0823 @darruiz @diegofitness92 @digitalis @ebingo @eliaschess333 @elprofe62 @emic @eniolw @eenriquerivas @evgsk @fjcr @flaws @foxconnmars @franciscomarval @gabotask @gingerbyna @gravitcaper @heimindanger @hierro21 @hirohurl @iceblue @iobates @jaki01 @jkms @juanmi96 @kharrazi @kintokris @kreur @lighteye @lucianosky @maciejficek @manncpt @marcusantoniu26 @masterswatch @maverieux000 @meedo @mstafford @orlanzavala @oshiokhenhoya @pamboy27 @parung76 @petreius @primersion @rafaelaquino @renerondon @rexplanet @rodrook @ropavejero @rosmarly @samostically @sawko @schamangerbert @soluce07 @spacetoon @steamloled @the01crow @therealflaws @tony1294 @tungphong @uliseshb @vasigo @vjap55 @walner @xoflox @yazp @zacherybinx @zincheck
(just let me know if you don´t want to get the mentions)


By the way, Alireza Firouzja won indeed the 2021 FIDE Grand Swiss Tournament in Riga. So he could qualify for the next Candidates Tournament in 2022! Fabiano Caruana as runner up got the other ticket for this highly prestigous tournament. Exciting chess times ahead, of course mainly looking forward to the Carlsen-Nepo championship match starting in 2 weeks!!


Looking forward to this week. Been trying to learn Sicilian


I won´t learn Sizilian - too much lines :)


True, might just have to stick with London opening, or kings indian


Can't wait to play this week :)


Yes, I followed the final rounds. He deserves it! I want someone to overthrow Sauron!


Damn, I was late by 16 minutes to the tourney after the conferences finished, maybe next friday. Good luck everyone
