Be Aware Of Psychological Aspects For Self Defense


When we see martial art and self defense techniques, it seems this is only physical. You might completely miss the psychological aspects.

We talk about different situations and what you can do in that situation for self defense. Understanding the situation, react to it is a psychological aspect. The situation might be the same, the reaction can be different based on your understanding.

Whatever you do to defend yourself, your mindset and observation skills are very important factors that other people might not see from the outside. When you are being attacked, the attackers have some reasons. Maybe they want your money, phone, bike or car. Or maybe they just want to hurt you. Or someone paid them to beat you up. Or, they want to kidnap you. They might have a lot of reasons to attack you.

If you think you have no enemy, everyone loves you, so you will never be attacked by someone. We see this is not the fact in real life. You have not done anything wrong, still, you can be a victim.

When someone attacks you, your behavior, reaction and body language have an impact and it will determine what you will happen next. For example, in this video, you see the attacker puts a knife to a girl's neck. If you make any obvious move, he can see it and before doing anything, he can hurt you.

Be Aware Of Psychological Aspects For Self Defense.jpg

So talk to them if you can and the situation permits. Get their mind out of there so that the attacker does not think of stabbing you although he holds a knife to your neck or other parts of the body. If you think giving what they want makes them let you go, then give them what they want.

But if they want to hurt you and that is their intention, they will hurt even if you give everything. Understanding that, you can still give your money, phone, watch or whatever you have, get their mind out of there and make your move to defend yourself. There is no right or wrong move. We talk about different techniques that are effective to defend yourself in real life.

Thank you so much for reading this so far. If you are passionate about martial arts like me, I'm sure you will be in touch. Please feel free to express your thoughts in the comment section. And you can check out some of my recent posts.

The Art Of Blade - Kali
Self Defense Situation - What Do You Do? - Part 13
It Is You Who Can Do Something To Defend Yourself - Self Defense
Make Your Move Observing The Situation and Opponents
Be Aware Of Knife Attack In A Street Fight - My Opinions About Teaching Self Defense
Self Defense Situation - What Do You Do? - Part 12

Stay safe. Always be happy!
Source: Video and Video Credit: chintya candranaya
