Controlling The Distance - Self Defense Tips


There are some crucial factors in a fight that we usually overlook. But that can change the whole game when you fight for self defense. I made different posts talking about punches, kick, elbow strike, hammer fist, and knee charge. If you practice martial arts on your own, that's good. But you will never know how it works if you do not put it into action.

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In martial arts training, sparring with your partner is so important that you cannot skip it. You know different moves. When you fight with your training partner, you will figure out your weakness. It happens that you punch and kick perfectly but that does not hit your opponent. Every time you kick you see your opponent moves and your kick does not reach him.

To make your moves work in a fight, you need to learn about distance. I have made a post recently and talked about Move Forward vs Move Backward For Self Defense. If you have not read that post yet, you can read it to have a better understanding.

When you attack your opponent, if he is in a punching range, you can hit him with your punch. You see he is stepping back, no problem, now he is in a kicking range. So you can kick. No matter which martial art you learn, if you do not understand the basics, you will find it difficult to use that in real life.

Fight in a real life is different from a fight in the competition. You can apply the basics and you will be in a better position to face any situation in a street fight.

When you understand the distance and see your opponent's movement, you can control the distance. If your opponent moves backward, you can move forward. In case your opponent moves forward and you can step backward and control the distance so that you can make it work in your favor.

You can push your opponent when he moves forward, and make the distance. In the video, you see how to push your opponent with your hands and make the distance. Front kick can be used to hit as well as push. So you can do the front kick to make the distance between you and your opponent.

Thank you so much for reading this post so far. Please feel free to add your thoughts in the comment section. If you like martial arts and want to learn more about self defense, you can follow me @RezoanulVibes.

If you like this post, you can check out some of my recent posts. Hope you will find it useful.

The Best Defense Ever - Self Defense Tips
What Should You Never Do During Robbery?
Move Forward vs Move Backward For Self Defense
Self Defense Situation - What Do You Do? - Part 7
Self Defense Against Knife Attack On The Ground
What Motivates The Rock?

Take care. Always be happy!
Source: Video and Video Credit: Master Wong
