Self Defense Against Knife Attack On The Ground


We do not know when and how the attackers attack you. It could be anytime, any situation and any position. We usually see knife attack and defense when you are standing. How about you are on the ground and someone is about to stab you?

This is a different situation than fighting with the attacker when you stand up. You do not want to be on the ground. In a street fight, if you fall down on the ground somehow, this is going to hurt because the ground is hard and solid. There is no mat on the ground.

What you see in this video, this is a social experiment. He does well in the first time although get stabbed several times. I was wondering to see his movement maybe he has some background. Later, we got to know you did Muay Thai.

When you are on the ground, your option is limited, but you can still move, trap and defend yourself. When the attacker is going to stab you, defend that and roll or move to his backside. As soon as you defend the hand with the knife, you go for attacking him. You can do palm strike to his face, elbow strike if he is so close, and roll.


What you do not like to do is to stay there, try to grab him and grapple. If he is able to stab you, that's bad news. So, defend the attack, move, strike and get up. When you see he is in pain, don't just wait there. Leave the place as soon as you can. You do not want him to attack you again, do you?

Be aware of your surroundings, observe the situation, react fast. This can save your life. So what do you think someone should do in this situation? Please feel free to comment below.

I'd like to thank everyone for your support and kind words of encouragement. I really appreciate that. If you like martial arts and want to learn more about self defense, you can check out some of my recent posts.

That's it for now. Take care. See you around!
Source: Video and Video Credit: Nick Drossos

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