Why It Does Not Work - Self Defense


You know what to do and how to make the move. But when you face a situation, you think you did everything right, but it did work. So what is the problem? Is the technique not effective for self defense?

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When you learn martial arts or self defense, it is better to learn from the instructor who is an expert in martial arts and also has some real-life experience. Sometimes you think you would do this and that for self defense, but when you face the situation, you know what works.

If something does not work in real life for self defense, two things can happen. one, you are not doing it right, and two, that technique does not work.

Maybe you are surprised why that does not work for self defense. When you practice with your partner, it works. The thing is, maybe there is something you are not doing right. When you train with someone, he knows how to react against the move. So maybe your training partner just reacts, and you do not completely use the technique.

Let's make it clear with an example. If you do this, your opponent will fall on the ground. You know that, and your partner also knows that. So when you spar with him, he just falls on the ground, but you do not do the technique completely. Now when you want to do that for real, the attacker will not fall on the ground because you are not used to doing the complete technique.


Be honest with yourself when you apply any technique. Ask your training partner not to react. If he cannot stand because of your move, he will fall. Act the way you face in real-life situations. It helps to make sparring better.

If you do everything right, but it still does not work, maybe that technique does not work. So what would you do? Let's see what Bruce Lee said,

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own” - Bruce Lee

This is what you should do. It is not that you have to stick with something forever. Self defense should be based on reality so that you can use it to defend yourself. So open your mind, and keep learning.

Thank you so much for reading this post. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section. If you like martial arts and want to learn more about self defense, you can check out some of my recent posts.

Self Defense Situation - What Do You Do? - Part 23 : Make Your Move To Protect Yourself
Need To Know When and How To Strike - Self Defense
Self Defense Situation - What Do You Do? - Part 22 : How To Defend Against A Kick That Is Difficult To Defend
Psychology and Mental Toughness - Self Defense
Get Up As Soon As You Can If You Fall On The Ground - Self Defense
Basic Blocks You Should know - Self Defense

Stay safe. Always be happy!

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