SportsTalk Challenge #48 - 10k staked!

Staking and waiting

Still doing my staking and waiting for the new proposals to get launched. If I understand it correct ,I who are for a tax, can vote for all the tax options for increasing my chances of any of the taxes to get initiatied. I guess @patrickulrich will explain it in the proposal post later on, but this time we must make it. I'm gonna make sure of it ...

Tribute to the person who started the challenge

The staking challenge is over, but will continue support the cause!
Check this post to see the statement: and many other people also still support these posts!

My favorite post of 2020-02-09

Love to read about so many that are staking, are staring to get fired up about sport and creating great content.
Some of the post I liked yesterday were:

  1. @actifit post announcing the new contest that's going to be on Actifit/Appics.

  2. @evegrace post talking about the big game between Manchester United and Westhamn United.

Last update

In my last post I had powered up with 19,436.343 sports tokens, not so much that I want to stake each day, but any stake is a good stake!
Today I have a additional sport 10,497.816 to stake.

Before power up

After power up

Final thoughts

Join in on the challenge and do good for both your health and for the chance of winning nice prices!

Help sportsburn

Also added @sportsburn as a beneficiary so they can burn additional tokens. Hope we can continue this and help sportstalksocial overall! Maybe not much but each Sport we can remove will help the token get more value.


Yeah I'll have more proposals for the burn later. I've had multiple people contact me with different ideas so I held off in favor of doing more productive proposals for now. I'll revisit with the burn proposals soon.
