RE: Bowling Championship successfully defended for a 5th week, almost picked up another championship as well

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Not to get off topic, but I met a guy one day that was telling someone that "bowling is great exercise" and while I didn't say it out loud I knew that any "sport" that you can drink beer and eat nachos while you are doing it, probably isn't great exercise. :)

I do love it though and even though I exercise on a regular basis, there is something about bowling that makes me sore afterwards.


yeah we all go through that as well. I bowl with a curve so I have to use a lighter ball. I only use a 10 or even 9 pounder. Despite that I still end up with a sore arm after every session.. plus i tense up in my back leg every time I roll, which is odd.

You are right, bowling is not exercise. Nearly every single person in our crew is overweight, some of them severely.
