RE: Returning to the gym after a long break howto

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i don't often go to the gym but when i do i always manage to end up pretty sore. This is a catch 22 though isn't it? I don't really know what I am doing in there and I suppose this could improve if I were to go with a bit more frequency.


This is something that you have to determine on your own. If you are sore like in that you can't move without getting a "tinge" of pain that feels like electric hitting you, that means you are definitely overdoing it but if the entire muscle group feels sore like a "deep burn" you are probably doing exactly what you are supposed to do.

This is a tough nut to crack and in the end you have to somewhat determine the levels at which you are working out on your own. A little bit of soreness is something that bodybuilders actually crave but the "tinge of electricity" could be the beginning stages of nerve damage and this is never a good thing.
