RE: Hive Babel Tower - a suggestion how to benefit from diversity and keep content comfy to enjoy


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There are various ideas on how to handle multilingual posts on Hive.
Some create separate accounts for content in separate language (I think that's a bad idea)

Separate posts while only main (native) language is set to recive rewards while others have declined payout + link to original one?

Tagging sections of post with different language tags might one of better options.
This could take into account user settings and display by default only preferred language.
Problem is that it would be a lot of hassle to implement it, while very limited use cases.

In many cases multi-language posts are of poor quality, because it doesn't happen frequently that poster gets help from professional translator. In the end, such translation is usually so bad, that's not better from auto-translation, and if so... why bother? ;-)

(I know, My English sucks)


I agree the multilingual posts tend to be poor quality but I think the original text quality is responsible for the greater part of the difference than the inefficiency of translation. People that think their content is undervalued are more likely to go that route and guess what - their content is mostly valued low correctly. Quality posters without English skills can find audience in their language. Quality posters with English skills tend to post in in English and often feel translating to their first language is not worth it.

I do not want to say multilingual posts should be discouraged but I do not think we are leaking value not treating them efficiently (for lawyers: we are not leaking as much value as the post indicates).
