To run or not to run - Evening Run


I just finished a 9.588km running that lasted about 0hh:45mm:7ss !


It was really the question today. Of course I did exactly the opposite of what I said I would do after that failed run on Saturday: instead of going for another run as soon as possible, I didn't run till today. So, a run was definitely planned today, but in spite of the sunny weather, I was still not feeling like it. And it took a lot of arguing with myself to finally decide to go, resulting in an even later than usual start. So late that it was already getting dark, and that's why once again I stayed only on my well-known asphalt streets.

At least, that extra rest day did me a lot of good, my legs were not too sore. Well, not as sore as usual anyways. And it turns out I really just needed the initial push to get started, because once I got going, I felt better and better as I went along. I ended up running almost 6 mile at a medium-to-slow pace: around 7:34min/mile has become kind of usual for me these days. That last extra loop I added at the end was perhaps a little too much, as my pace really slowed down. But unlike Saturday, my heart rate oscillated the whole time around a more reasonable 167bpm average, and it didn't keep creeping up. Still not sure what happened Saturday.

With my elephant-like lightness, I scared off a few deer but I didn't see any other wildlife today. Surprising as it was again just at dusk, when all the animals usually seem to be out and about.

So, overall, a good run. Let's hope Saturday was just an exception, and also that next runs don't require all the Shakespearean drama to decide whether to go.
Keep Exhausting!

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